jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

Sci Fi and Music

Yesterday we talked about sci-fi in music. In the moment I couldn't think about anything in particular, except for, of course, Bowie and The Flaming Lips that Diego mentioned. But, on my way home, I remembered a Jon Anderson's album (he's one of the guys from yes), called Olias of Sunhillow. It's about an alien race that have to leave their planet and look for a new world and it's also really nice music, really prog rock Yes-like.
But, the thing that I couldn't stop thinking about, but it's not proper music or song (well, it is...) is this:
Maybe something like that will happen some day, althoug  it definitely wasn't in the year 2000. But anyway, I love these guys :)

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

World in 2000

I just saw this post in the depths of the internet.
Is curious how in 1910 they saw how the world would be in 90 years.

How will it be in the year 2100?

you can see the whole set of images here